Interested In Writing In the Real World?: Author Platform Building Blocks: Starting Your Writing Career Off Right

Review: Author Platform Building Blocks: Starting Your Writing Career Off Right (Book Marketing For Success 1) by B.K. Walker

Title: Author Platform Building Blocks: Starting Your Writing Career Off Right (Book Marketing For Success 1)
Author: B. K. Walker
Pages: 31
Publisher: BK Walker Books
Publish Date: April 1, 2016
Genre: Help/Informative

Synopsis: Start your writing career off right with the basic building blocks to create a solid Author Platform. Easy to follow action steps will have you building your platform, creating your brand and marketing your book at the right moment with results. Get your book off to a great start and set yourself up for continued success. No fluff, pure strategy.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This will not affect my review in any way. 

I love reading informative books. I love doing research. I love learning! So I found this book to be super interesting. I was captivated from the first page because this is real life advice from an Amazon best-selling author!

I've wanted to write a book for a while now, and Author Building Blocks gives you advice on how to actually accomplish that. Walker understands that writing a book isn't easy and she tells you exactly how you need to push yourself to finish it.

It's very encouraging from the first page, creating a friendly environment while offering lots of great advice. It doesn't dilly dally whatsoever and gets down the points quickly. What really interested me about this book was that it didn't just have advice for authors; there was advice for everyone. Some of the stuff Walker talked about will help me greatly in my blogging.

I love how Walker listed some of the sites she uses in her books. Some authors just tell you hey, try a mail service but Walker tells you which ones she's used and what works.

I enjoyed this book, and I found it to be very useful. I can't wait to take what I've learned and apply it to real life. If anyone is interested in writing/publishing a book, I recommend you give this book a try. It's really cheap on Amazon at the moment, so you should snatch up your copy now.

About the Author

B.K. Walker is an Amazon Bestselling Author with a love to help authors that are challenged by writing, publishing, marketing and selling their books. She wrote and published her first book in 2009 while she was a single mother of 3, her youngest a newborn, going to Nursing School full time and working a full time job. Now 17 titles later, with 2 of her books landing on Amazon's best seller's list, she continues her writing career while helping others master their marketing and sell more books.

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  1. Thank you Kay. So glad you enjoyed it 😀 thanks for the great review. ✌

    1. Thanks for stopping by and the review copy! I was glad to read your book!
